Bali Age

Trunyan Bali Age
Terunyan is a village located in the district of Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia. Terunyan is a place located in Lake Batur, Kintamani. In this area there are quite a unique burial customs. Residents who had died his body was buried in the great stone basin which has 7 pieces.

The body just lined woven bamboo taste. Uniquely after days though not embalmed, the remains were not spreading a foul smell.

Desa Adat Terunyan regulated procedures bury its citizens. In this village there are three graves (sema) that are intended for three different types of death. When one resident died of natural Terunyan, his body will be covered with a white cloth, consecrated, and then laid without buried under a big tree called Taru incense, at a location called Sema Wayah. However, if the cause of death is not natural, such as accident, suicide, or murdered, his body will be placed in a location called Sema Bantas. Meanwhile, to bury infants and young children, or people who've grown but not married, will be placed at Sema Muda.

Explanation of why the bodies were placed neatly on the sema is odorless but naturally, still occurs decomposition of the corpses is due Taru incense tree, which can release fragrance and is able to neutralize the smell of rotting corpses. Taru means the tree was meant fragrant incense. Taru incense tree, only grows in this area. Be Tarumenyan which came to be known as Terunyan believed to be the origin of the village name.

Tenganan Pegringsingan is a village in the regency of Karangasem in Bali, Indonesia. It is a tourist attraction[1] due to its original Bali Aga village compound and known for its Gamelan selunding music and geringsing double ikat textiles. Bali Aga village means a village that still hold the origin traditions and rules of ancient Balinese, like house design, religious ritual ceremony, and how to interact each other
Bali Age Life
Historical legend of Tenganan Pegringsingan

The people of Tenganan Pegringsingan were selected by the god Indra to administer a territory that was conceived, in accordance with his divine plan to be a microcosm of the world. They were instructed to use every means to keep it pure and clean. the concept of territorial, bodily and spiritual purity and integrity is of paramount importance in this village

Bali Age Houses
Houses in Tenganan Pegringsingan village were built on either side of the north to the south concourse with their doors opening on to it. The entrances of the houses are narrow, only allowing one person to enter or leave at any one time. One enters the village through the gate on the southern end. On either side of the entrance are two small temples. Across from these is the long balé agung, where the administrative decisions for the village are made. Next to that is the drum tower (kul-kul). The kul-kul is beaten 21 times each morning to start the day.Up the center are a series of communal pavilions (balé) for ceremonial gatherings.[3]

Megeret Pandan/Bali Age Traditional Dance